Marianne Mann, MD

Dr. Mann was trained in Internal Medicine with sub-specialization in Pulmonary and Critical Care, joining the FDA ‘s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research from 1994-2003.  She served as a medical officer in the antiviral/special pathogen division (1994-1997), as Deputy Director for the reproductive/urologic division (1997-2000), and finally as Deputy Director for the pulmonary/allergy division (2000-2003).  Dr. Mann then served at the NIH as a branch chief in NIAID for respiratory diseases from 2003-2004.  Upon leaving the government in 2004, Dr. Mann has served the past 20 years as an independent consultant, providing input to help guide successful drug development programs.  Dr. Mann’s experience includes expertise in working with the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care at the FDA, expertise in helping guide Advisory Panel preparations, and expertise in managing drug safety concerns, both overall and in relation to the inhaled route of drug delivery.  In total, Dr. Mann brings approximately 30 years of drug development experience as a member of the Kinexum team.