Jasmin R. Kastner, PhD

Dr. Jasmin Kastner is a chemist by training but earned her Master’s degree in Biotechnology at
the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria. She then pursued a PhD in immunology at the
Medical University of Graz in the group of Dr. Thomas Pieber. She spent the second year of her
PhD at Thomas Jefferson University (TJU) in Philadelphia working with Dr. Jeffrey Joseph at
the Artificial Pancreas Center and returned to TJU for a Postdoc a few years later. She started
working with industry partners very early in her academic career, planning and conducting
contract preclinical and clinical studies. For a few years she focused on basic and clinical
research, investigating how different materials and shapes of subcutaneously implanted infusion
cannulas impact the inflammatory response over wear time and why insulin absorption into the
circulation is so variable. After her postdoc she took on a role as Clinical Project Coordinator,
and later MSL, at Capillary Biomedical Inc, a California startup. She planned and coordinated
Phase I-IV clinical trials across the globe and across all time zones in the US, Europe, and
Australia. In parallel, she completed various courses and seminars on the new EU Medical
Device Regulation (MDR) and in 2021 founded her own consulting company to help medical
device companies get their product to market. Another one of Dr. Kastner’s strong suits is
medical writing and making sure each text is written to target just the right audience.